Thursday, April 19, 2012

save the whales...

Just recently (like 2 days ago) there was yet another whale rescue attempt off our Southern California coast due to fish netting. And as my heart aches a little for these gentle giants cruising the mighty seas and getting caught up in our commercialization of the ocean, I had to post this awesome knit and pattern from Bec Brittain. I mean, how real does this look? So cool. Check it out here and share the love ♥.

© Bec Brittain

© Bec Brittain

© Bec Brittain

Saturday, April 7, 2012

ooohhhh, sweet shawlette of mine...

I really am truly thankful that we live in 2012 where not only are patterns available on-line and available for instant purchase and download 24/7, but in case you do decide to purchase a pattern book via, it arrives within 24 hours on regular shipping. Hence Sweet Shawlettes by Jean Moss arriving on my door step in less than a day. God bless the Internet.

I already knew that Jean Moss' patterns in this book were already going to be Ah-Maz-Ing, but the pictures! Oh the photography is so pretty. The cowls and shawls are pretty. The wording is pretty. The entire book is, well, pretty! And I love pretty things :) Plus, the price ($14.93 via Amazon) is well within reason for all the pretty patterns you get.

First on my queue...the Ceilidh Shawlette. Just look at it below. Pretty. 

Ceilidh Shawlette

I've already ordered my yarn and I'm actually going to change the tartan patten up with a different color palette. Can't wait to get started...

And here are some more pretty patterns from the book. Ahhhh, I'm so in love...

Drift Cowl

Harlequin Cape

Mantilla Shawlette
Kitty Capelet

Sunday, April 1, 2012

smock, smock, smock...i like smock...

So, remember when I mentioned somewhere on this blog about all that Lion Brand® Wool-Ease® that I purchased on sale a while back? Well, I still have some left and I'm always trying to find quick, easy, and fun projects to do just so I can get through all that yarn. My latest creation you ask? Why it's a one skein knitted "smock" for a two year old. And when I mean one skein, I really mean one skein. I literally knitted to the last yard; including unraveling my gauge swatch to finish the pocket.

What's really fun about this project is the embellishing part. I added a pocket, some crocheted flowers, and some embroidery, but the ideas are limitless. An knitted owl on a pocket would be super cute; check out Ysolda Teague's pattern on her blog at Or maybe some fun intarsia on the front. Even just an initial on the upper left hand side ala Laverne would be pretty cool. Oh, the creative choices...they're swirling in my head!

I'm including it as a free pattern below (I'm calling them notes really) for nat and callie knits and I can't wait to see what gets made and shown on raverly...yay! Enjoy!
