Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Test Knitting = Free Patterns

Hello my Friends…

So lately I've been doing some test knitting for independent designers and I'm really enjoying it. Not only do I get patterns for free, but it's a great reason to use up some of my stash (of course to then have an excuse to buy more yarn)!

I finished up a Bel Lindo beanie by Erika Shmerika Designs and used up some of my Malabrigo I had. I love the yarn, but the color way in my stash is not my favorite. However, I think this beanie does it justice. The hat construction is different than your typically one, but it looks pretty neat. I used a provisional cast-on and then just knitted away and finished with a three-needle bind-off. That's my student worker modeling. She's too cute!




Sunday, September 7, 2014

District 12 Cowl

It's here, and about time too. I present my version of the ever stylish Katniss Everdeen cowl from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

This cowl/vest uses super bulky yarn, so it really knits up pretty quick. I saw a version of this somewhere on Pinterest or on a blog (can't recall), and I couldn't find a pattern for it anywhere. The patterns that are out there now are mostly crochet or just don't have the look I want, so I created my own. It's up on my rarely store in case you'd like to make one yourself or for that Hunger Games fan you love; and just in time to start on your holiday knitting too!

Happy Knitting!

© natandcallie

© natandcallie

Monday, June 10, 2013


“Oh no! The princess needs help. I must go to the forest and save her! Oh no! There are bears in the forest. I must go hunting first! Where are my bows and arrow?”
Little did I realize that eavesdropping on my daughter would lead me to create this enchanting hunting cowl. Ancient Greek mythology tells of a story about the young Artemis, daughter of Zeus and twin sister of Apollo, that she was a great and cunning huntress in the mountains and forests of Arcadia. She ended up falling madly in love with Orion, who became her hunting companion. The two spent careless hours by campfires, archery contests, and hunting with Orion’s faithful hounds, Canis Major and Canis Minor. Though their story ends tragically (Greek mythology remember), the tale of these two partners in crime lives on in sky at night.
The Artemis cowl fits a wide range of children’s sizes since the side ribbing is very forgiving. You can knit this up for a wee little one knowing that it will be quite a while before they outgrow it. Plus, it is a great quick cover up without the hassle of a sweater for any kid with a vivid imagination.
The cowl features plenty of design elements and truly has a little bit of everything. From easy garter stitch, to lace and cable patterns, some short row shaping, and two different options for finishing the hood, this fun hunting cowl will keep your eye on the bullseye!
Go check it out at my online store now! It's too cute ❤❤❤

© natandcallie
© natandcallie

© natandcallie

© natandcallie

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sip & Stitch

Been crazy, super, nutty busy these past few weeks. And by crazy, super, busy, I mean check out how far along Flock has come! Our first event is this May 17th and it's going to be so much fun! Really? Like anyone would doubt that? Take a peek...


Can't wait & hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Flock & TNNA...

What a whirl wind the past couple of weeks have been! I finished up not one, but two patterns, attended TNNA in Long Beach, and officially announced my super secret project...tah dah... Flock Yarn Shop!

Yes folks, you read that right. I am opening up a local yarn shop here in the West SFV this summer. It's gonna be called Flock Yarn Shop. You can follow me on Twitter @flockyarnshop, like my Facebook at www.facebook.com/FlockYarnShop, or join my ravelry group at www.ravelry.com/groups/flock-yarn-shop.  Also, make sure to check our web page www.flockyarnshop.com!

© flockyarnshop

So far it been a lot of work, but the kind of work I wouldn't trade! I am loving this entire process. And part of the process was attending TNNA in Long Beach to meet up with my future vendors. Made some great connections and even ran into a few "knitting" celebrities. Well, celebrities in my eyes, anyways.

New Stitch-a-Day crew!
© flockyarnshop

Goodies after Sample It!
© flockyarnshop

Loving this American Romney wool
© flockyarnshop

Myself with THE Norah Gaughan
© flockyarnshop

 It's official!
© flockyarnshop

So stay tuned for any and all future news about Flock; "It's Not Your Nana's Yarn Shop", that's for sure!


Monday, January 28, 2013


Hello Knitting Friends...

I just recently purchased a super soft awesome hank of Blue Sky Alpacas Suri Merino from Gather DTLA (see previous blog post) and ended up creating a super cute & fun hat. In fact, I loved knitting it up so much, that I ended up making a second one with some Knit Picks tweed yarn I had in my stash and wrote down the pattern. So, without further ado, here's the pattern...Enjoy!


Fore! Knitting Pattern by Natalie Haban for nat & callie knits

Friday, January 18, 2013

Hello 2013...

And so another year begins and so does a new super fun secret project that I am working on! Can't really get into all the details, but I'm going to TNNA in Long Beach in a few weeks and hopefully shortly thereafter I can revel a whole lot more. It's gonna be good! Promise. Until then, I'll be keeping a low profile, so sadly not enough time to blog away, but in the meantime...

Here's a quick shout out to Gather DTLA which is a new, very hip and cool knitting nook in a old historic bookstore in downtown Los Angeles. Evi the owner just started this new endeavor late last year and it is beyond cool. The little shop carries a great selection of Blue Sky Alpacas, Spud & Chloë, and Rowan yarns all in amazing colors! I popped over for a Sunday stitch social and met up with a few other "Valley" knitters. We all had a great time. Must do that again very soon fo sho!

© Gather DTLA

Gather DTLA is at 453 S Spring Street on the 2nd Floor Mezzanine in Downtown Los Angles. If ever in the hood, stop on by and say hi! Bonus, this place is open late too. So awesome!

PS: And a special thank you to Snowden who gave me a ride to the metro station that night. Thank you girl! xoxo