I haven't been motivated to knit. At all. I'm gonna blame it on the weather. I live in Southern California, so once May rolls around, I do what most Angelinos do. We put on our flip flops, sunglasses, lather ourselves in high SPF sunscreen, head outdoors, and bask in the glory of summer living. I can't say that I don't knit at all during the summer months, but it's not the first thing I think of doing when I have some free time on my hands. I mean really. Who wants to sit with wool in their hands when it's 90 plus degrees? Yeah, not this gal...
I have a slew of projects (that I do intend to finish), but not now. From now until September, I will frolick & play and enjoy the summer time as it's meant to be. I might go ahead and knit up a few rows of this or a few rounds of that just to scratch that knitting itch I sometimes get, but for the most part I'm on a knitting vacation. Memorial Day to Labor Day. Or maybe not...
And so, my knitting vacation has unofficial begun. Time to pack some yarn away, think about future projects, and take that much needed (and earned) vacation! Cheers!